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[HackerRank] Basic Join : Top Competitors 본문


[HackerRank] Basic Join : Top Competitors

김현우 2021. 2. 8. 14:42

Julia just finished conducting a coding contest, and she needs your help assembling the leaderboard! Write a query to print the respectivehacker_idandnameof hackers who achieved full scores formore than onechallenge. Order your output in descending order by the total number of challenges in which the hacker earned a full score. If more than one hacker received full scores in same number of challenges, then sort them by ascendinghacker_id.

Input Format

The following tables contain contest data:

  • Hackers:Thehacker_idis the id of the hacker, andnameis the name of the hacker.

  • Difficulty:Thedifficult_levelis the level of difficulty of the challenge, andscoreis the score of the challenge for the difficulty level.

  • Challenges:Thechallenge_idis the id of the challenge, thehacker_idis the id of the hacker who created the challenge, anddifficulty_levelis the level of difficulty of the challenge.

  • Submissions:Thesubmission_idis the id of the submission,hacker_idis the id of the hacker who made the submission,challenge_idis the id of the challenge that the submission belongs to, andscoreis the score of the submission.

Sample Input





Sample Output

90411 Joe


  • Hacker86870 got a score of30for challenge71055with a difficulty level of2, so86870earned a full score for this challenge.
  • Hacker90411 got a score of30for challenge71055with a difficulty level of2, so90411earned a full score for this challenge.
  • Hacker90411 got a score of100for challenge66730with a difficulty level of6, so90411earned a full score for this challenge.
  • Only hacker90411 managed to earn a full score for more than one challenge, so we print the their hacker_id and name as 2 space-separated values.


SELECT s.hacker_id, h.name 
    FROM Submissions s 
              JOIN Challenges c ON s.challenge_id = c.challenge_id 
              JOIN Difficulty d ON c.difficulty_level = d.difficulty_level  
              JOIN Hackers h ON s.hacker_id = h.hacker_id 
    WHERE s.score = d.score
    GROUP BY s.hacker_id, h.name 
    HAVING COUNT(s.hacker_id) > 1 
    ORDER BY COUNT(s.hacker_id) DESC, s.hacker_id ASC